Monday, August 19, 2013


Imdb pic
Paranoid much? 

The new movie Paranoia is directed by Robert Luketic and written by Barry L. Levy and Jason Dean Hall based on a 2004 novel by Joseph Finder. Its advertised as a high stakes thriller where two powerful billionaires duke it out bringing a young tech guy into the the middle.

If you are not extremely techy, then this movie, Paranoia will go right over your head with its high tech gadget war between the titans Gary Oldman and Harrison Ford, however if you skim through the operating system jargon you can find a more entertaining story of a guy stuck between the greedy world and his own backyard.

Liam Hemsworth is a star, nice to look at and draws the audience in with his struggle to be a hotshot in the big city and his real world problems of taking care of an sick parent.

The scenes with Liam and his ailing father played by Richard Dreyfus are too few and could have been more of the driving story. 

That is where much of the meatier story is but who doesn't want to see Indiana Jones slash Han Solo take on Harry Potter’s
Indiana Jones vs Sirius Black
Uncle Sirius Black and Batman’s Commissioner friend? Those scenes are fun as the two scowl each other with pleasantry war.

Of course, my whole purpose for going to see Paranoia wasn't the handsome and rising star, Liam Hemsworth, but to watch another Josh Holloway film moment. His role was minor and trimmed down too much but yet very important to the story. For the brief Holloway 
Josh Holloway (fanpop pic)
glimpses, he is solid in his role as the FBI guy keeping tabs on all the secret espionage of  'Phone Wars'.

If you like spy thrillers packed with action and plot twists, you will be disappointed because this is a more laid back film, not much violence and not any plot surprises. 

What it does have going for it is a satisfying performance by the actors. 

With its film flaws it still makes an entertaining evening at the movies but the casual movie goer. I was not bored and I was not overwhelmed with exploding screens of metal, trying to figure out who was who and the "Did I miss something syndrome?" as the plots of other movies sometimes pass me by and I have to catch up. It was balanced in the action, eye pleasing with the onscreen lovebirds, and satisfying enough to recommend.

My popcorn was exceptionally delicious as well at my Carmike Theater.

I give Paranoia two and half buckets out of four.

IF they had added more Josh Holloway I would have added another half bucket!

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