Monday, August 19, 2013

JOBS, the movie

A bit too sexy for my geek!

"It only takes one person to start a revolution. The extraordinary story of Steve Jobs, the original innovator and ground-breaking entrepreneur who let nothing stand in the way of greatness. The film tells the epic and turbulent story of Jobs as he blazed a trail that changed technology -- and the world - forever. Directed By: Joshua Michael Stern and written By: Matt Whiteley."

I was not motivated to go see this movie, Jobs, but my 12 year old son was and its his enthusiasm about Apple products that must have convinced him this was a must see because there were no aliens, comic book heroes or tiny Minions running around causing havoc.

Maybe he is growing up? Either way, we enjoyed an afternoon together.

Jobs was a well made, intelligent looking film replaying a very historical part of our recent history, the birth of personal computers that would find its technology driven tools into society’s every waking moment and every part of our lives.
Thanks Steve Jobs. Or maybe I should say, why did you do this to us? You be the judge on that one.

However, as our society is glued to devices, computers, and plugged in excessively we can appreciate the vision of the man this movie is about.

Ashton Kutcher was brilliantly convincing as the strange and eccentric ultimate Geek -- Steve Jobs in this unauthorized version of the story of the Apple CEO superstar. However, as some of the actual characters in the story are involved in another movie about Steve Jobs, they are pointing out this one is not so authentic. 

Although, I found Kutcher's good looks to be distracting since I never thought of Steve Jobs as a handsome man. He was a bit too sexy for my Geek. Just sayin'.
A bit too sexy for my Geek.
Rotten Tomatoes pic
Steve Wozniak, known as Waz was the only other founder I knew about and only because Waz was on Dancing with the Stars, so I kind of new who he was and thought Josh Gad did a good job. He seemed a genuinely nice guy who was taken advantage of in the movie's version of the history of Apple.

I could tell the 12 year old was bit bored by the talking movie, but I enjoyed a trip back, with transition scenes using great musical clips and scenery. Much of the finer details was glossed over as the director assumed our knowledge was adequate but when a new character was brought in it was if the director went, ta dah! Here is so and so! 

I guess I should have brushed up on my computer history but in my day, we didn't have computer history in school and while this was going on I was raising children.

As a whole, the acting was solid, the history accurate enough to tell the story, and I was entertained. However, I might have rather watched this one at home with my own personal bucket of popcorn.

I was also curious to find my fellow audience members where very grey haired and mostly women? Curious.

I like the movie but am looking forward to a 'really happened version' coming out in the future, so this film gets a two and half bucket for entertaining me.


Imdb pic
Paranoid much? 

The new movie Paranoia is directed by Robert Luketic and written by Barry L. Levy and Jason Dean Hall based on a 2004 novel by Joseph Finder. Its advertised as a high stakes thriller where two powerful billionaires duke it out bringing a young tech guy into the the middle.

If you are not extremely techy, then this movie, Paranoia will go right over your head with its high tech gadget war between the titans Gary Oldman and Harrison Ford, however if you skim through the operating system jargon you can find a more entertaining story of a guy stuck between the greedy world and his own backyard.

Liam Hemsworth is a star, nice to look at and draws the audience in with his struggle to be a hotshot in the big city and his real world problems of taking care of an sick parent.

The scenes with Liam and his ailing father played by Richard Dreyfus are too few and could have been more of the driving story. 

That is where much of the meatier story is but who doesn't want to see Indiana Jones slash Han Solo take on Harry Potter’s
Indiana Jones vs Sirius Black
Uncle Sirius Black and Batman’s Commissioner friend? Those scenes are fun as the two scowl each other with pleasantry war.

Of course, my whole purpose for going to see Paranoia wasn't the handsome and rising star, Liam Hemsworth, but to watch another Josh Holloway film moment. His role was minor and trimmed down too much but yet very important to the story. For the brief Holloway 
Josh Holloway (fanpop pic)
glimpses, he is solid in his role as the FBI guy keeping tabs on all the secret espionage of  'Phone Wars'.

If you like spy thrillers packed with action and plot twists, you will be disappointed because this is a more laid back film, not much violence and not any plot surprises. 

What it does have going for it is a satisfying performance by the actors. 

With its film flaws it still makes an entertaining evening at the movies but the casual movie goer. I was not bored and I was not overwhelmed with exploding screens of metal, trying to figure out who was who and the "Did I miss something syndrome?" as the plots of other movies sometimes pass me by and I have to catch up. It was balanced in the action, eye pleasing with the onscreen lovebirds, and satisfying enough to recommend.

My popcorn was exceptionally delicious as well at my Carmike Theater.

I give Paranoia two and half buckets out of four.

IF they had added more Josh Holloway I would have added another half bucket!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Wolverine

You may think, not another Wolverine movie, the comic book story must be stretched too far to support another full length film, but then I always tell myself, it has Hugh Jackman shirtless -- so who cares!

Buffed, intense and with just enough spotted humor, this previous X-Man hits the spot with his latest sequel and if you stay long enough in the credits, you will discover that Jackman may not be ready to put his adamantium (steel slash titanium metal) back in the closet.

Jackman has proven his acting ability, winning an Oscar nomination this past year for his remarkable portrayal of Jean Valjean in Les Miserables, so this Aussie does not have anything to prove.
Jean Valjean portrayed by Jackman

We could have excused a softer, less pumped up Jackman especially for this role he has portrayed six times, but the professional actor does not miss a beat, stepping right back into sculptured abs and bulging biceps. Thanks Mr. Jackman.

He takes the role of Wolverine seriously, giving it true emotion that pulls you into his struggle of living as an immortal who cannot let go of the past.

“He realizes everyone he loves dies, and his whole life is full of pain. So its better that he just escapes,” said Jackman about his character’s dilemma.

Director James Mangold who directed Jackman in Kate and Leopold brought to the action flick a balance of drama and talon slicing versus Ninja action. The Japanese story-line is based upon Frank Miller and Chris Claremont’s version of the Marvel Comic book character.

Mangold brilliantly folds the beauty and culture of Japan into his film. Thankfully his leadership does not fall into the trap of other 2013 Summer blockbuster misses by filling up plot and character space with over the top action scenes, followed by more special affects, and then some more unbelievable action scenes. No Overkill in the Wolverine.

I saw this movie with three adolescent males who did not get bored even though every flash of the camera was not focused on an explosion, a fight, or a massive car/train/plane/tank chase. 

They enjoyed the movie and maybe blushed during one scene with a nearly bare-naked bottom of a call girl. As a mother, I did cringe when the Wolverine used a rather foul word in a moment of intense anger. Hence the PG-13 rating, but the violence was not as gory as you would imagine a continuous slicing scene would have incurred, and I am happy to report that only two scenes made me cover my face: one lizardy mutant female, (Viper)  shedding her skin and a surgery scene that would have been more gory on Grey’s Anatomy, but still made me run for cover.

As a mother, I can say what is acceptable for my guys, but as your own parental censor, you may need to check your uncomfortable meter at the door if you cannot tolerate exposing your younglin’s to some adult moments.

The strong female leads were strangers to most of us since they are two Japanese actresses: Tao Okamoto and Rila Fukushima. They both gave solid performances.

Tao Okamoto

Logan, or better known as the Wolverine, opens the film shunning society, still having nightmares from his past and struggling with the overwhelming guilt of killing his love, Gene. It is out of his past that he is given the opportunity to come to terms with his desire to shed his ability to heal and for once have a regular life and death.

Sometimes, our actions, good or bad, can come back to haunt us. 

Adrain Paul, Highlander

As in the lyrics by the rock group Queen, “Who wants to live forever?” also used by the Highlander series, with Adrain Paul, (my TV hunk-a-licious) these superhero guys who can’t die find that life gets old and redundant.

The truth is, what man wants to look 35 and be married to an 85 year old woman? 
They can't handle infinity!

As a summer fun and action movie, this Comic flick has it all, enough slain villains and destruction to entice the menfolk, and plenty of story and good acting, not to mention topless Jackman, for the women. 

On my scale of 4 popcorn buckets, I give it a 3 and ½ bucket! With loads of butter!

Go see the Wolverine. I also rate it 5 steel talons out of 6!